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Well I just finished the demo and I think that it is a cool game, I'm excited to hear more about it. However, some lines in the game are still in korean even though I picked english. :)


Oh, I appreciate for your feedback. Right. I am currently working on Korean version to re-write some dialogues. that is why it has some missing translation. I will finalize it as soon as possible and then fix missing translations. Thank you!

excuse me do you have any recommendations for fxb in this format 

I have also downloaded your game and its amazing  


Hi! actually I am planning to make a sequel which the main character is a female and all characters are boys. By the way, I don't know any of those to recommend, yet.

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this game is completely bugged out and I cant even get past the first few lines of diaolog without getting an error and not being able to continue

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oops, I may uploaded a wrong build. I will check it out. can you tell me which os did you play? 

I played the browser version. Chrome specifically. 

Thanks, I recently updated the web version. Did you have same problem recently?

Hi. Just used for the first time and had the issue described above ( Line 22) WIndows 10 and Chrome both latest versions.

Thanks! I will look into it and find out what was the problem.

I uploaded a new build and tested it few hours ago. Hopefully it tackles this issue as well for you.!

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thank you doyouit!